Discount Codes

Offer full or partial discounts for membership and passes.


Discount codes can be created that offer a discount against membership packages or passes. They can be configured to give either a fixed value discount or a percentage.

Creating a Discount Code

To creating a discount code requires the Manage Payments or System Administrator permission. Navigate to Admin > Payments > Discount Codes and click the Add Code button.

See below for a description of each option.


A meaningful name for the Discount Code.


The code that must be entered by the user to redeem the Discount Code. You can either enter your own code or use the Generate random code option to select one for you.

Total Uses Allowed

Sets the number of times the code can be used. Set to 0 for unlimited uses.

Limit to One Use Per User?

When set the code can only be used by the same user once.

Start Date

The date the Discount Code will be valid from. If left blank no start date will be set.

End Date

The date the Discount Code will be valid until. If left blank no end date will be set.

Discount Type

Sets if a percentage of fixed amount will be applied to the purchase.

Discount to Apply

Sets either the percentage or fixed amount to apply to the purchase.


Sets the Membership Packages the discount code can be used to purchase.


Sets the Passes the discount code can be used to purchase.

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