2020 was a challenging year in many ways and it introduced new phrases into our vocabulary such as “rule of six", “COVID secure” and “test and trace”. Each term presented clubs with new challenges when running sessions for their members. With new, lower coach ratios for training, social distancing and the requirements to identify cohorts in the event of a positive case, we had to adapt to training and find new ways to run sessions in a safe way. As clubs look to emerge from the latest lockdown, for what is hopefully the last time, find out how ClubPal helps clubs deal with these challenges.
Managing Numbers
Coronavirus restrictions have seen new rules introduced for clubs meaning in most cases, there's a new, lower limit on the number of participants. We've seen several different approaches to managing this including online shared documents, Facebook posts with people commenting if they intend to go, or simply emailing to reserve a space. Whilst these approaches can work, it often creates a large administrative overhead for the people that run the club.
ClubPal has tools that enable you to manage capacity limits for sessions and make online booking for members a quick and easy process. In addition, it provides you with a list of participants if needed for test and trace purposes by offering the ability to check members in to session when arriving. When creating a session you can set a capacity limit to ensure they relevant guidance is adhered to, and some clubs are taking this even further and creating multiple sessions for one training event with a capacity of 6 to ensure that the smaller rule of 6 groups are followed. How you manage this is up to you, but having somewhere for members to come and sign on for a session makes your life easier in managing numbers and expectations.
Waiting Lists
Another effect of the new rules is that clubs are finding they have more people that want to attend a session than there is space for. ClubPal provides a waiting list feature that allows members to join the waiting list for a session when it's full. When a place becomes available, the next person on the waiting list will be given the place to ensure that places aren't left unused and members don't become frustrated. They'll even get an email letting them know they've not got a place.
Tracking Attendance
Having reliable reporting on who attended a session is essential under the latest COVID rules. Knowing who was at a session could be crucial if a member that attended a session later tests positive. Being able to identify those who could be exposed is a requirement of running COVID-secure sessions, and ClubPal helps you do that with he session register feature. Coaches at a session can “check in” members as they arrive to create a session register. You can also export the list of members for a session, or send an email to all participants directly from the session page in the platform.
The platform will also identify any members that didn't show up for their booking. This useful tool allows you monitor and detect repeat offenders to make sure all members get a chance to attend sessions.